Tag Archives: Reality

Conscious Creation – Create Your Own Fantastic Reality

Conscious creation is the act of making conscious effort to create the life you want. It does go deeper than just changing your life, however. Conscious creation actually refers the very act of creating your own reality. One of the tenets of conscious creation is that we each have a separate reality that other people cannot know or really understand. And that each of us has the ability to create that reality into anything we want it […]

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Make Deliberate Creation Work For You In Your Life

Make Deliberate Creation Work For You In Your Life

  Deliberate creation is the act of deciding what you want, and getting it. While that might sound very simple and easy, and you might be thinking you already do it, there’s actually a little bit more to it than you think. Rather than us just choosing a goal to go after and going after it, deliberate creation requires a certain focus to succeed. Many of us think we want something and decide that we’re going to […]

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